School and Multi Purpose Hall Kirchheim

New Building
Location: Kirchheim im Innkreis
Client: Commune Kirchheim

The concept of the new primary school and kindergarten building in Kirchheim i.I. with multiple use has been gradually developed over a twelve-year period. The possibilities of space utilisation and space quality of the building were scrutinised by the community and made up a core issue for both users and planners. Moreover, the possible development and future perspectives of the centre of the village were of crucial importance, too.

The building is perspicuously accessible via a cascade stairway over five floors. At the outside, these transparent stairs are accompanied by ramps for people with special needs. All facilities such as the media room and the music practice and rehearsal room, the library, the foyer area, the gym in the basement, the public toilet, the copy room, the wardrobes, class rooms and kindergarten rooms and the workshop are situated next to this distribution zone and can be used in multiple ways. The music practice room can be opened entirely breadthwise and the acoustic lining can be varied for rehearsals and performances. The playschool is connected to the adjacent garden without steps. The primary school is accessible on both levels from outside. Furthermore, an amphitheatre makes teaching outside the classroom possible.

The complex design of the outdoor areas, planned and realised by the landscape architect Markus Kumpfmüller, differentiates between several topological subspaces with differing functions, depending on the terrain and relation to the building, and distinct degrees of accessibility to the public.Herbert Schrattenecker´s focus was placed on creating interior and outdoor spaces which offer child-friendly environments and sufficient opportunities for free movement.